Troop Safety Checklist

Safety Moments

Using a Safety Moment in Scouting Activities

Safety Moments are exactly what the name implies: opportunities to prepare for an activity, review safety measures and report incidents correctly. Topics of this new series include incident reporting helps, safe use of medication in Scouting, weather-related safety, winter activity, and winter sports. 

If a Safety Moment is for Adult Audience Only, it will be indicated at the top of the Safety Moments page

Guidance for Clear and Effective Safety Moments in Scouting

Safety moments are a crucial component of the BSA’s Culture of Safety, underscoring our commitment to identifying, preventing, or mitigating hazards and risks in all Scouting activities. As with other safety-conscious organizations, we initiate meetings and events with a brief pause to discuss potential dangers and how to avert them, focusing the group’s attention on safety protocols. 

Here’s a breakdown of the different forms’ safety moments can take:


What Defines a Good Safety Moment?

Keep these key criteria in mind:


Together, let’s grow a strong Culture of Safety in Scouting!